
CITC and Yole Développement organize Power and RF Packaging Virtual Forums

Packaging technologies are expanding the boundaries of RF and power applications Challenges have emerged for both applications concerning the integration…

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Compete in NXP HoverGames Challenge 2 to Enable Drones to Help Others During Pandemics

This is why NXP created NXP HoverGames Each NXP HoverGames virtual coding and hardware challenge takes place over several months….

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Foodtruck “Des Lekker” komt elke dinsdag naar NTC!

Over “Des Lekker” Sinds 2 jaar zijn wij moeder en dochter gepassioneerd bezig om mensen op eet gebied een goed…

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“Des Lekker” food truck will visit NTC every Tuesday!

About “Des Lekker” Since 2 years, we mother and daughter are passionate about giving people a good product in the…

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Radboud Universiteit sluit zich aan bij ‘European Universities Initiative’ gericht op onderzoek in neurowetenschappen en technologie

Het European Universities Initiative bevordert de uitwisseling van onderwijs, onderzoek en werkgelegenheid, waardoor onderwijs, onderzoek en werkgelegenheid kunnen worden overgedragen….

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Donders neemt leidende rol in Europees neurotech-onderzoek

Het gaat om het ontwikkelen van AI-gebaseerde theorie en technologie om binnen de neurotechnologie stappen vooruit te kunnen zetten. Een…

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Donders takes a leading role in European neurotech research

“It is about developing AI-based theory and technology to take steps forward in neurotechnology.” An ICAI lab is a partnership…

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Radboud University joins ‘European Universities Initiative’ focus on research in neuroscience and technology

The European Universities Initiative facilitates the exchange of education, research and employment, which allows the transfer of education, research and…

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Investor Readiness Program

Scrijf je in Wat gaan we doen? We gaan samen met jou aan de slag met je businesscase en leren…

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Investor Readiness Program by OostNL

Register yourself now! What do we do? We will work with you on your business case and teach you how…

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