Teamscope is getting a lot of requests from companies that want to start up again
In April Menchaca told us that he was in a “crazy rollercoaster” with his company. At that stage, he received…
In April Menchaca told us that he was in a “crazy rollercoaster” with his company. At that stage, he received…
Chiprecept NXP komt voort uit het voormalige Philips Semiconductors, dat al in 1953 begon met de ontwikkeling en productie van…
Chip recipe NXP stems from the former Philips Semiconductors, which started developing and manufacturing semiconductors in Nijmegen as early as…
Volledig document van de maatregelen: 1.5coronamaatregelen_NTC_Briskr-NL
Complete document of the measures: 1.5coronamaatregelen_NTC_Briskr-ENG
Op deze pagina lees je de belangrijkste informatie, en kun je een inschatting maken of deze subsidieregeling jou kan helpen….
On this page you can read the most important information, and you can estimate whether this subsidy scheme can help…
Ampleon has the technique, knowledge and experience to make high-frequency amplifiers. A significant proportion of all mobile communication masts contain Ampleon amplifiers and over a third of all phone calls and mobile data traffic worldwide is possible thanks to chips from Nijmegen.”
Especially many applications for the COL About 1,270 companies applied for approximately € 460 million through the COL since April…
Met name veel aanvragen voor de COL Ongeveer 1.270 bedrijven vroegen sinds 29 april zo’n €460 miljoen aan via de…