
Digital biomarkers show doctor how you are really doing

With digital biomarkers, you can measure health more objectively. This gives doctors a better picture of a patient. The Nijmegen-based company Orikami develops such biomarkers for practical use, including in cooperation with Radboudumc and Radboud University.

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Digital Health companies in the Nijmegen region

Health Valley has published a Digital Health Guide together with the Radboudumc, the Novio Tech Campus, the Municipality of Nijmegen and Briskr. The aim: to connect Digital Health players in the Nijmegen region and beyond!

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Digital Health organisaties regio Nijmegen inzichtelijk

Health Valley heeft samen met het Radboudumc, de Novio Tech Campus, de Gemeente Nijmegen en Briskr een Digital Health Guide gepubliceerd. Het doel: Digital Health spelers in de regio Nijmegen en daarbuiten verbinden!

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One milestone after another: Pleco Therapeutics hopes to bring improved cancer treatment to market soon

Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) and Small-Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) are rare diseases, they occur in fewer than one in 2,000 people. For many pharmaceutical companies, this is a reason to not invest in the development of new drugs or treatments. “But not Pleco Therapeutics”, says Gerben de Rijk.

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De ene mijlpaal na de andere: Pleco Therapeutics hoopt binnenkort verbeterde kankerbehandeling op de markt te brengen

Acute Myeloïde Leukemie (AML) en Kleincellige Longkanker (SCLC) zijn zeldzame ziekten, ze komen voor bij minder dan één op de 2.000 mensen. Voor veel farmaceutische bedrijven is dit een reden om niet te investeren in de ontwikkeling van nieuwe geneesmiddelen of behandelingen. “Maar niet Pleco Therapeutics”, zegt Gerben de Rijk.

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Khondrion completes enrollment in KHENERGYZE Phase IIb trial evaluating sonlicromanol in adult patients with MELAS spectrum disorders

Khondrion today announced that the last patient has been dosed with sonlicromanol in the KHENERGYZE Phase IIb clinical study.

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Are Nijmegen and Novio Tech Campus turning Winkelsteeg into the neighbourhood of the future?

Winkelsteeg—the area that borders the Maas-Waal canal, De Goffert station, and the Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital—is an ideal area for development, primarily because of its location. Alderwoman Monique Esselbrugge and Novio Tech Campus CEO Bert Krikke explain what Winkelsteeg will look like in the future.

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Maken Nijmegen en Novio Tech Campus van de Winkelsteeg de wijk van de toekomst?

Winkelsteeg – het gebied dat grenst aan het Maas-Waalkanaal, station De Goffert en het Canisius Wilhelmina Ziekenhuis – is vooral vanwege de ligging een ideaal gebied om te ontwikkelen. Wethouder Monique Esselbrugge en CEO Bert Krikke van Novio Tech Campus leggen uit hoe Winkelsteeg er in de toekomst uit zal zien.

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New guide Science & Innovation Parks and Campuses 

A new version of our Science & Innovation Parks and Campuses has just been published.

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Tinybots Nijmegen Novio Tech Campus

Tessa’s algorithms will help millions with dementia maintain autonomy

Wang Long Li wants to contribute to healthcare. Not as a doctor, but with tools that are perfectly tailored to clients’ needs. That’s why he founded Tinybots, and designed robot Tessa.

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