
Talks and games: Enzyre introduces students to the world of innovation and health

On January 18, Enzyre organized an informative day on the Novio Tech Campus for medicine and molecular life sciences students of Radboud University, we spoke to the students to find out what they learned.

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Sprekers en spellen: Enzyre neemt studenten mee in wereld van innovatie en gezondheid

Op 18 januari organiseerde Enzyre een informatieve dag voor studenten geneeskunde en biomedische wetenschappen van de Radboud Universiteit die een minor over trombose en hemostase volgen op de Novio Tech Campus.

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Plasmacure: Curing chronic wounds with air and electricity

Founder Bas Zeper has been working on Plasmacure since 2014, to make a difference for people suffering from chronic wounds. Together with CMO Koen Lim, he now faces the final hurdle: convincing doctors, hospitals, and insurance companies of the benefits of their product PLASOMA.

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Plasmacure: Chronische wonden genezen met lucht en elektriciteit

Oprichter Bas Zeper werkt al sinds 2014 aan Plasmacure, om een verschil te maken voor mensen die lijden aan chronische wonden. Samen met CMO Koen Lim staat hij nu voor de laatste horde: artsen, ziekenhuizen en verzekeraars overtuigen van de voordelen van hun product PLASOMA.

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Health Valley: Lessons learned on digital care in times of corona

What have we learned from corona and what can we retain from it after corona? These questions were put to innovation managers in hospitals, care for the elderly, care for the disabled and home care.

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Health Valley: Geleerde lessen digitale zorg in tijden van corona

In opdracht van de provincie Overijssel en samen met het lectoraat ICT-innovaties in de Zorg van Hogeschool Windesheim, heeft Health Valley in de loop van 2021 een onderzoek gedaan naar de toepassingen van digitalisering in de zorg en de versnelling daarvan door corona.

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Pulse.Magazine #1 – The unexpected impact of art on health

The first edition Noviotech Campus, with inspiring stories of Health & High Tech. Read full magazine online!
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NTC in 2022: “Our biggest year yet”

In the summer of 2021, Bert Krikke started as managing director of Novio Tech Campus. During his first months, Bert noticed many positive developments but also saw room for improvement. That is why he wants to push the campus forward in 2022. “We are starting our masterplan development. By the end of the year, the expansion of the campus will be in full swing”.

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NTC in 2022: “Our biggest year yet”

In the summer of 2021, Bert Krikke started as managing director of Novio Tech Campus. During his first months, Bert noticed many positive developments but also saw room for improvement. That is why he wants to push the campus forward in 2022. “We are starting our masterplan development. By the end of the year, the expansion of the campus will be in full swing”.

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Health Valley and Health Innovation Park join forces

As of 1 January 2022, the organisations have merged and will work together under the name Health Valley to achieve their shared ambition: to take initiatives, set up projects, bring parties together and accelerate healthcare innovations in the east of the Netherlands.

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