
AI for Life

AI for Life: Computational pathology

The subject of this broadcast is computational pathology. Artificial Intelligence to support the radiologist has of course been around for a long time and is starting to be introduced more and more into daily operational processes.

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podcast kadans

Building the Future episode 2

The technology that enables physicians to remotely monitor the health of patients is becoming increasingly sophisticated and offers a rapidly growing number of possibilities.

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Building the Future aflevering 2

De technologie die artsen in staat stelt de gezondheid van patiënten op afstand te volgen, wordt steeds geavanceerder en biedt een snel groeiend aantal mogelijkheden.

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Bert Krikke succeeds Rikus Wolbers as director of Novio Tech Campus

Bert Krikke is the new director of Novio Tech Campus.

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Bert Krikke volgt Rikus Wolbers op als directeur Novio Tech Campus

Bert Krikke is de nieuwe directeur van Novio Tech Campus.

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Saving lives with a pump in the heart

Less organ damage and a greater chance of survival after a heart attack. That is the aim of startup CardiacBooster.

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Levens redden met een pompje in het hart

Minder orgaanschade en een grotere kans op overleven na een hartinfarct. Dat is de inzet van startup CardiacBooster.

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OPEN H/UB// Aftermovie NTC

Have a look at the aftermovie of our anniversary month

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NTC inside// Vaxxinova: ‘Keeping our animals healthy is in our best interest’

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone is talking about vaccines. But for one of the residents of Novio Tech Campus, vaccines have been the number one topic of conversation since the 1950s.

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OPEN H/UB Opening outside area

On May 11th we celebrated our 7.5 anniversary and kicked off several (online) activities.

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