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Settle here

Are you looking for a plot where you can build your own premises, or do you want to lease an office, lab or cleanroom to further develop your innovations? Together with you, Noviotech Campus aims at a tailor-made solution to fit the demands and future plans of your company. Check out current opportunities here!  


The innovation community at Noviotech Campus specializes in several focus areas, all related to Health & High Tech. A flourishing ecosystem where collaboration and competition accelerate your innovation.

Radio Frequency
Chip Integration
Bio Technology
Digital Health
Medical Technology

Our Noviotech Community

A thriving and sustainable community of innovators in Health & High Tech: the heartbeat of Noviotech Campus. As a member of our community, you have access to a wide range of facilities, services, events and other community benefits.

Events and meetups at Noviotech Campus offer every opportunity to gain knowledge, meet new people and maybe share your own story. Visit our events-page for updates on the Vibe of the Future Festival, upcoming business & innovation workshops or our monthly Meet&Eat.

Take the next step in your career or maintain the professional development within your company. Together with internationally renown knowledge institutes like Radboud University and HAN, Noviotech Campus offers education programs, a jobboard and research facilities.

Standing on the shoulders of giants! Through the Noviotech Newsroom you can share your story, knowledge and experiences – and learn from others. A multimedia content hub, producing and distributing a magazine, podcasts and video-items. Spread the word!

Healthy body, Healthy mind. We created spaces, facilities and events to enjoy a healthy work and life style.

Perform your work in a proper, safe and comfortable way – with all the tools you need to do so. From shared innovation & research facilities to food and business development services.

Art, culture and creativity are all key to innovation, but also to inspiration and happiness – both at work and in your personal life. We work together design academies and art initiatives to explore new perspectives and experience its impact.


Vibe of the Future Festival

Curious about what the future of Health & High Tech looks like? Experience it at The Vibe of the Future Festival! Immerse yourself in a world of innovation and technology, and discover what it takes to create a healthier, more sustainable world.

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