2014 was the last time
BCI executed a research on Dutch innovation campuses and science parks, shortly after the launch of Novio Tech Campus. Since then, a lot has changed in the Dutch campus environment. In their update, BCI is stating that Novio Tech Campus is the third largest innovationcampus. Something to be proud of.
Novio Tech Campus started in 2013 with 10 companies and 34 employees. Over the past four years the number of companies has increased to 70, offering jobs to over a 1.000 people. More information about the development of Novio Tech Campus, can be found
However, there's more than 'just' development in numbers. In the consortium of
Briskr, Novio Tech Campus is working together closely with partners in the Health and High Tech ecosystem of Nijmegen. Together with the partners of this consortium, Novio Tech Campus is further strengthening the Health and High Tech character of the province of Gelderland.
We're looking forward to the next update of BCI. Meanwhile, we will keep you updated.