Novio Tech Campus home to 70 companies!

After its opening in 2013 with just 10 companies, NTC has grown to a vibrant innovative campus for both Health and High Tech. Monthly SMB-meetings for Health and bi-monthly High Tech Network Meetings lead to on-campus interaction and also attracted companies from outside the campus to join these events.   Last year Briskr (linken) was launched: a cooperation between Health Valley, SMB Life Sciences, Radboud University, Radboudumc,Gemeente Nijmegen, Province of Gelderland, OostNL, Kadans Science PartnerRabobank, BC Semi NL, The Economic Board and Novio Tech Campus. Briskr further develops the ecosystem in Nijmegen for start-ups, scale-ups and grown-ups in Health and High Tech, through strong cooperation between the twelve partners.   Tim Will, business developer at Novio Tech Campus: “Since the start of Novio Tech Campus almost five years ago, the campus has grown from 10 to 70 companies. These numbers, in addition to our involvement in Briskr and the development of the Chip Integration Technology Center, makes the campus a very promising innovation hotspot. We can look forward to a bright future!"