Admin Noviotech Campus 18-01-24 MS Sherpa Sherpa specializes in remotely measuring and monitoring neurological diseases through digital solutions. Lees verder
sales 07-04-21 moveUP MoveUP develops digital therapy solutions to optimise surgery outcomes. Our solutions combine daily patient data with recovery protocols to enable... Lees verder
sales 10-03-21 Tinybots Tessa is a care robot developed by Tinybots. Tinybots develops and supports the implementation of care robot Tessa. Tessa supports... Lees verder
sales 11-02-21 Teamscope Teamscope is an Electronic Data Capture (EDC) app for clinical studies. One of the pioneers who took part in the... Lees verder
sales 11-02-21 Soulve Innovations Soulve develops these innovations continiously together with patients and healthcare providers. Our eHealth solutions fit specific needs and are ready... Lees verder