
Must-watch: Health and High Tech Nijmegen video

This recently launched video gives a great overview of the impressive innovations in Health and High Tech in the Nijmegen…

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Biotechnews shows biotech is flourishing in Nijmegen

Check out the magazine and learn more about the exciting biotech-innovations that Nijmegen entrepreneurs and researchers are working on.

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Biotechnews laat bloeiende biotech in Nijmegen zien

Bekijk het magazine en ontdek de biotech-innovaties waar Nijmeegse ondernemers en onderzoekers aan werken.   OVERVIEW SPL Medical is gestart…

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Startversneller: extra boost to get your business started

The province of Gelderland provides two vouchers to give starting entrepreneurs an extra push when starting their business.

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KIJK: Health Valley TV – Is robotica de toekomst in de zorg?

> WATCH THIS EPISODE Zijn robots wel sociaal genoeg? Weegt de investering in Robotica op tegen de kostenbesparing of de…

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Health Valley TV

Must watch: Health Valley TV – Are robotics the future of healthcare?

Are robots social enough? Does the investment in Robotics outweigh the cost savings or the profit in the field of independence?

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CITC lanceert Photonics Assembly Consortium: PODIUM

Het consortium leidt een programma waarin optische uitlijningstechnologie, assemblage en verpakking wordt ontwikkeld voor een breed scala aan geïntegreerde fotonische…

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Protinhi Therapeutics sluit zich aan bij Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLABS

Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLABS is een vooraanstaand life science incubatorprogramma met een wereldwijd netwerk van open innovatie-ecosystemen, dat…

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Protinhi Therapeutics joins Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLABS

Joining the JLABS network will empower Protinhi Therapeutics further to accelerate the delivery of their proprietary compounds into novel drugs with the aim to address the current high unmet medical need….

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NXP provides sustainable ‘aid van’ for three Nijmegen help organisations

Transport is often a major bottleneck in providing help in many places. A sustainable ‘aid bus’ would help many organizations…

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