Admin Noviotech Campus

Out now: Pulse.Magazine #2 – The Future of Health & High Tech

What does the future of health & high tech look like? And what do these industries mean to us: people,…

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Exclusive: Brave and bold in the battle against fake news and conspiracy theories

He got a pie and the word “murderer” thrown in his face recently in Bruges. On social media it was…

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Exclusive: Brave and bold in the battle against fake news and conspiracy theories

He got a pie and the word “murderer” thrown in his face recently in Bruges. On social media it was…

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Changes in Management and Board of Noviotech Campus

The board of Stichting Ontwikkeling Noviotech Campus and Bert Krikke, director of Noviotech Campus BV, have mutually agreed to part...
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Queen Máxima visited NXP for the celebration of 70 years of chip production

On 25 May Her Majesty Queen Máxima visited NXP Semiconductors at Noviotech Campus in Nijmegen. The company won the Koning Willem I...
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Podcast Bert Krikke

Bert Krikke shines in the Nijmegen Entrepreneurs Podcast . Produced by Raoul Toet & Mark Schaap of Zima Blue. Listen…

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Vibe of the Future festival

Inspiration festival for innovators in Health & High Tech

- The Vibe of the Future Festival -   Experience the world of tomorrow at The Vibe of the Future...
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New Community for Health & High Tech, says Yvette Akkermans

12 April 2023 – Novio Tech Campus in Nijmegen, the capital of Health & High Tech Innovation is increasingly cooperating…

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More Women in Tech needed!

Mitra Gilasgar, working at Ampleon and Karla Swierenga, working at NXP, have earned their spurs in engineering. The two women...
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Klokhuis Science Award 2023 for Radboudumc

20 March 2023 - The Klokhuis Science Award was announced on Sunday, March 19 during the eighth edition of InScience...
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