AI research Radboud university medical center gets huge boost

10 January 2023 - As many as four completely new AI labs will start within Radboud university medical center with a total funding of 16 million euros from NWO and companies. The labs will develop AI for accurate risk assessment of a narrowed coronary artery, better detection and treatment of prostate cancer, measurements at home of symptoms of Parkinson's disease and automation in the analysis of scans for lung cancer. The four new labs are part of the ROBUST project, led by the UvA. In total, the project includes seventeen new labs with a budget of 87 million euros. The new labs all receive funding for a researcher, ten PhD students and support. The grant comes from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) and companies within a new NWO funding program: the long-term program (LTP). With this program, NWO provides a powerful stimulus to the development of a scientific field and ensures structural cooperation between public and private parties and knowledge institutions.   read the full story here