AI for Life podcast #4: how can AI benefit Parkinson patients?

AI for Life

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Tom Heskes, professor of AI (RU), Bas Bloem, professor of neurology and movement disorders (Radboudumc), and Luc Evers, PhD student at the Donders Institute, discuss a number of these questions, such as: how can AI help a patient with Parkinson's disease? And are current sensor data reliable enough to make diagnoses and predictions? The podcast-guests also discuss how AI can be used to distinguish signals from noise.     Radboud University, Radboudumc and Donders Institute are conducting extensive research into these topics, in collaboration with companies such as Verily Life Sciences. Taking part in this podcast: Tom Heskes, professor of AI at Radboud University. Bas Bloem, professor of neurology and movement disorders at Radboudumc. Luc Evers, PhD student at Donders Institute, with Tom and Bas as supervisors. The session is moderated by Martijn Kriens van Briskr.