Role it out training for #womenintech

16 March 2023 -

Today Noviotech Campus and Kadans Science Partner were hosting and facilitating the Presentation Skill training from Role It Out.

Did you know that people will only remember 10% of the content when given to them through a presentation?! 🤓

Today we tried to make the most of that in our Presentation Skill training with Tara Phillips from Cause & Affect Speeches!

Part of being a Role model, means being heard. Tara helped us with things like:
What is the story we want to tell, as women in Tech?
Does it matter who you tell the story too? Spoiler alert: it matters A LOT! 😉
How do we help ourselves before a presentation? Breath, activate your body and positive affirmations!

More information on Role it Out program: Role it Out