Big Data robot lab to be established at Noviotech Campus

20 February 2023 -

The lab is being developed in cooperation with Fontys University of Applied Sciences Eindhoven; the goal is to establish the robot lab here at Noviotech Campus in Nijmegen.

The most complex system in the world around us is life itself, with each cell in your body containing a complex network of molecules and chemical reactions. Chemists have now almost come to the point where they can study and even reconstruct these systems, yet current technology can’t fully comprehend its vast complexity. We need a new approach.

According to Radboud University professor Wilhelm Huck, the chemistry of the 21st century is Big Chemistry. He was granted 97 million euros by the Dutch National Growth Fund to shape the Big Chemistry research program of the Netherlands. We spoke to him about his ground-breaking plans to build a new world-class infrastructure for research into complex molecular systems.

Read the full story in our first edition of PULSE