Benelux RF Conference 2023

Van der Valk Hotel
6663 AN
Lent, Nijmegen
About this event
Noviotech Campus is a proud sponsor of the  Benelux RF Conference!

Are you a community member, located at Noviotech Campus and you would like to visit the RF Benelux Conference you will receive a € 50 reduction on your visitors pass. 

Interested in your discount? 

Please contact Noviotech Campus at [email protected]

This conference brings together Belgian and Dutch high-tech professionals and companies involved in the development and application of high-end RF techniques. The seventh edition will take place on Wednesday 24 May 2023 at Van der Valk Nijmegen. 

About the Benelux RF Conference

Sessions on product-specific applications with a focus on innovative solutions in combination with advanced wireless technology In-depth sessions highlighting trends such as RF energy and RF power and focusing on engineers, designers and technical managers in the advanced RF field

Our target audience: engineers, team leaders, technical managers, product developers and innovation managers

More info and registration: